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  • Secretary: Dawn Luo

Plenary Speakers 

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Liangcai Cao

Tsinghua University, China

Biography: Liangcai Cao received his BS/MS and PhD degrees from Harbin Institute of Technology and Tsinghua University, in 1999/2001 and 2005, respectively. Then he became an assistant professor at the Department of Precision Instruments, Tsinghua University. He is now tenured professor and director of the Institute of Opto-electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University. He was a visiting scholar at UC Santa Cruz and MIT in 2009 and 2014, respectively. His research interests are holographic imaging and holographic display. He is a Fellow of the Optica and the SPIE.

Title of Presentation:Exploiting Spatial and Spatiotemporal Priors for High-Throughput Quantitative Phase Imaging

Abstract:Quantitative phase imaging techniques can reveal the subtle interactions between light and physical objects, providing a powerful tool for biomedical and metrological applications. However, the quality of quantitative phase images is challenged by the phase ambiguities, motion artifacts and optical aberrations. In this talk, I will discuss our recent works on developing computational algorithms that exploit the data priors in both spatial and spatiotemporal domain to improve the reconstruction quality. Based on the proposed computational methods, we experimentally realized single-shot quantitative phase imaging with in-line holography, time-resolved lensless ptychographic microscopy, and high-quality synthetic aperture holographic microscopy, and demonstrated imaging of tissue slides and freely moving organisms.


Hong Jiang

Xinjiang University, China

Biography:Professor Jiang Hong, Doctor of Engineering, serves as the Secretary of the School of Intelligent Manufacturing Modern Industry at Xinjiang University. His accolades include the Tianshan Talent Award, Outstanding Teacher Award, and recognition as an Outstanding Graduate Supervisor. He holds various leadership roles, including Director of the Rotor Dynamics Professional Committee of the Chinese Society of Vibration Engineering and Chairman of the Xinjiang Mechanical Engineering Society. Professor Jiang has been invited to present keynote speeches at numerous conferences and serves as an expert reviewer for several key journals in his field. He is well-versed in the latest development trends and research priorities. His research portfolio includes hosting two national projects, two natural science foundation projects in Xinjiang, and over ten collaborative research projects with institutions like the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute. He has applied for six national patents, obtained four national software copyrights, and authored over 100 papers, with more than 30 SCI/EI indexed. His accolades for research and teaching excellence include various national and regional awards, highlighting his profound contribution to science and engineering. With extensive experience, he has led projects focused on intelligent service robot systems and developed 3D reconstruction and printing systems for dental applications. His work lays a solid foundation for advancements in intelligent manufacturing and engineering research.

Title of Presentation:The Application of Optics in Engineering

Abstract:Optics is a key technology that supports fundamental research and modern technological development. The report discusses the application of optical and visual technologies in intelligent agriculture and intelligent manufacturing equipment in Xinjiang region. Firstly, the intelligent supplementary lighting method for the growth of fruits and vegetables in plant factories, the robot vision model for averaging the illumination of fruit images, and the non-destructive testing of fruits using post harvest multispectral technology were elaborated; In agricultural plant factories, LED lights are used for targeted supplementary lighting, and a smart plant supplementary lighting system is developed to identify plant species and growth stages, in order to adjust the growth cycle of plants; For visual harvesting robots, they face different lighting changes during field operations, making intelligent perception difficult and prone to errors in recognition and positioning. Therefore, a fruit image lighting averaging model is proposed to complete the fruit image lighting averaging process and solve the problem of lighting changes; For automatic fruit sorting equipment after harvesting, multispectral imaging technology is used to collect backscattered spot images of walnut samples to analyze the impact of strong and weak light on the quality of stone fruit. At the same time, visual inspection is used to detect walnut size and external damage, achieving non-destructive testing. Then, the research on laser cladding, discharge machining process monitoring, welding position recognition, and weld seam tracking technologies in intelligent manufacturing was introduced. By solving key problems such as laser beam material coupling and shape control, efficient and high-quality laser cladding effects were achieved; By utilizing optical detection of narrow gap microsecond discharge processes in electrical discharge machining, the mechanism of material removal in electrical discharge machining is revealed; By using binocular cameras and line structured light sensors, the problem of difficult identification and defect detection of welding positions in complex environments can be overcome. Finally, the future application of optoelectronic technology, the integration of optics, visual perception, and artificial intelligence, was discussed. This technology has broad prospects for application in fields such as agriculture and industry in the future.


Chengliang Liu

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Biography: Professor Liu Chengliang is a Changjiang Scholar Distinguished Professor appointed by the Ministry of Education, a Chair Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, a leading figure in Shanghai, and an outstanding academic leader in Shanghai. He is a member of the National "12th Five-Year Plan" 863 Program Expert Group on Intelligent Robots in the Advanced Manufacturing Field, the Deputy Leader of the General Expert Group on the National "13th Five-Year Plan" Key Special Project on Intelligent Robots, a member of the General Expert Group on the Key Special Project on Intelligent Agricultural Machinery Equipment, and a member of the Key Special Project Expert Group on Critical Technologies and Intelligent Agricultural Machinery Equipment for the National "14th Five-Year Plan" for Factory Agriculture. His main research directions are machine health and intelligent maintenance, fluid transmission and intelligent control, and intelligent control and agricultural robots for agricultural equipment. He has published more than 440 papers and holds more than 160 authorized invention patents. As the first prize winner, he has won two second prizes for national scientific and technological progress, one special prize for scientific and technological progress in the machinery industry, and four first prizes at the provincial and ministerial levels. He is the Deputy Director of the Fluid Transmission and Control Branch of the China Mechanical Engineering Society, the Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Society of Agricultural Engineering, a member of the 15th Central Committee of the China Association for Jiusan Society, and the Vice Chairman of the 18th Committee of the Shanghai Association for Jiusan Society. He is also a member of Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Political Consultative Conference.

Title of Presentation:Current Status and Development Strategies of Agricultural Robotics Technology

Abstract:Delivered by Chair Professor Chengliang Liu at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), the presentation titled "Current Status and Development Strategies of Agricultural Robotics Technology" explores the evolving landscape of robotics in agriculture, with a focus on cutting-edge developments. Agricultural robotics increasingly address challenges such as labour shortages, inefficiencies, and harsh working conditions. The presentation reviews global developments and trends in agricultural robotics, including field and greenhouse robots. Key technological advancements comprising “Eye” (intelligent perception), “Brain” (decision control), “Hand” (dexterous operation), and “Foot” (autonomous movement) are summarised, with highlights of their role in revolutionising traditional farming practices. Pioneering work at SJTU, including AI-driven intelligent control systems and smart agricultural facilities—such as unmanned rice seeders, field weeding robots, cotton-picking machines, and smart orchard robots—has been introduced. These systems and facilities integrate AI, cloud computing, and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, underscoring the transformative potential of robotics in modern agriculture.


Sarun Sumriddetchkajorn

National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Thailand

Biography:Dr. Sumriddetchkajorn received his B.Eng in Electrical Engineering (Honors) in 1994 from Khon Kaen University, Thailand. He earned his M.S. (1998) and Ph.D. (2000) in Optical Science and Engineering from University of Central Florida, USA. From 1994-1996, he was with Electro-Optics Lab at National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC) under National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), Thailand, responsible for embossed hologram processing and computer generated holograms. Since 2001, he had rejoined NECTEC where he focused on solving technical issues related to agriculture, public health, security, and industry with optics and photonics. He also played leadership roles as Lab Director, Research Unit Director, Deputy Executive Director of NECTEC, Executive Director of NECTEC, and Acting Executive Vice President of NSTDA. He had also been Board Members of Thailand’s Digital Economy Promotion Agency. In addition, he was a Member of Advisory Committee for Thailand’s National Security Council on Science, Technology, and Digital and Chair of ASEAN Committee on Science and Technology’s Subcommittee on Information and Technology. He received the 2003 Young Technologist Award and the 2004 Young Scientist Award from the Foundation for the Promotion of Science and Technology under the Patronage of H. M. the King of Thailand. In addition, he was awarded the 2005 ICO/ICTP Award (a.k.a. ICO Gallieno Denardo Award) from the International Commission for Optics (ICO) and the ICTP. In 2002, he initiated the formation of the SPIE, Optica, and IPS Thailand Chapters. He is currently a Senior Member of IEEE. He is also a Fellow of SPIE and Optica.

Title of Presentation:Agri-Photonics in Action

Abstract:Agri-photonics has shown benefits of light exploitation in agriculture. This lecture starts with the overview of photonics sensing in precision agriculture. We then navigate from specific pain points in rice, sericulture, and shrimp farming sectors and present photonic-based prototypes that effectively address these issues with high potentials in scalability and affordability. Additionally, we briefly introduce the concept of combining optical plasmonic sensing with quantum technology, opening doors to future advancements of photonics sensing systems for agriculture and other applications.


Guoan Zheng

University of Connecticut, USA

Biography:Dr. Guoan Zheng is the UTC Associate Professor at the University of Connecticut. He is also the Director of the UConn Center for Biomedical and Bioengineering Innovation (CBBI). Dr. Zheng is recognized for his pioneering work on Fourier ptychography, which has been adopted worldwide and become a standard tool in microscopy imaging. Dr. Zheng’s contributions have led to the publication of one book and more than 130 peer-reviewed articles, including those in top-tier journals like Nature Photonics, Nature Reviews Physics, Nature Protocols, Light: Science & Applications, and PNAS.

Title of Presentation:Lensless Coded Ptychography for Microscopy, Endoscopy, Metrology, and Non-line-of-sight Imaging

Abstract:We present the lensless coded ptychography technology and its applications across microscopy, endoscopy, metrology, and non-line-of-sight imaging. Our technique combines coded detection with ptychographic reconstruction to achieve high-resolution, phase-sensitive imaging without complex lens systems. We demonstrate how this approach enhances microscopy with extended depth of field and enables ultra-thin, flexible imaging probes for endoscopy. In metrology, we showcase sub-micron resolution surface profiling using our portable, handheld device. We also explore the application of our technique in non-line-of-sight imaging, reconstructing scenes hidden from direct view.