• icopen@youngac.cn
  • +86-13688349945
  • Secretary: Dawn Luo

icOPEN History

icOPEN 2023

icOPEN 2023 returned of the physical conference in Singapore in 2023. It was an exciting opportunity for colleagues from around the world to not only showcase their cutting-edge research and exchange ideas but also to rekindle old friendships and forge new connections in a nurturing environment.The conference was kickstarted with the opening ceremony chaired by Prof. Anand Asundi, Chairman of d’Optron and General Chair of icOPEN 2023. He highlighted the conference as an ideal platform for discussing the latest advancements in the field and exploring new avenues for the development of optics. Prof. Kemao Qian, Co-chair of icOPEN 2023, delivered a welcoming address, briefly outlining the agenda and extending a warm welcome to all participants.The following plenary session was co-chaired by Fang Cheng, Deputy Director of Research and Development at ARTC, and Professor Chao Zuo from NJUST. Plenary speeches were delivered by Professor Peter de Groot, Vice Chairman of the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), Professor Pascal Picart from Le Mans Université in France, Rachel WON from Springer Nature Group in the United Kingdom, and Professor Xiaoyuan He from Southeast University, China. These remarks facilitated interactive discussions among attendees.The conference also featured 28 sub-sessions including special sessions, technical sessions and poster sessions.

icOPEN 2022

The International Conference on Optical and Photonic Engineering (icOPEN) is the flagship event of the Optics and Photonics Society of Singapore (OPSS), and has been successfully held in Singapore, and China since its inception in 2011. After a two year hiatus due to COVID-19, icOPEN2022 will be organized by OPSS and Nanjing University of Science & Technology while co-organised with Zhejiang University of Technology, virtually from November 24~27, 2022.

In order to cooperate with the COVID-19 prevention regulation and also consider the feedbacks of the participate form survey. icOPEN 2022 organizing committee was held fully virtually.

icOPEN 2019

The International Conference on Optical and Photonic Engineering (icOPEN) is the flagship event of the Optics and Photonics Society of Singapore (OPSS). Since its inception in 2011, the conference has grown by leaps and bounds, so much so that the conference is now an annual fixture in Optical and Photonic Engineering calendar. Traditionally the event alternates between Singapore and China but with the emergence of our ASEAN neighbours, the icOPEN2019 was held not in Singapore but in Thailand. Indeed the icOPEN2019 propeled the newly minted ASEAN Commission on Optics and Photonics (ACOP) to become a strong regional player in this community.

The icOPEN 2019 was quite successful and hosted a total of 250 participants from more than ten countries. The program included two plenary lectures, four keynote lectures, 41 invited lectures, 107 oral lectures, and 39 poster presentations. The invited lectures and oral lectures were divided into parallel sessions, in categories such as 3D Optical Metrology & Optical Engineering, Advances in Digital Holography Techniques, Computer Vision and Fiber Optics, DIC & Non-Destructive Testing and Inspection, Image Processing and Deep Learning and others. In addition, the student competition was organized and set up awards for winners, which continued to provide a platform for the contributing students to showcase their talent in icOPEN 2019. There were 16 groups who participated the competition and 5 top groups were recognized and received cash awards. Overall, the conference was a great success.

icOPEN 2018

icOPEN during even years will be organized in different cities in China. The first of the series was held in Chengdu, Sichuan, in 2016. The icOPEN 2018 moved from Chengdu to Shanghai. It was co-organized by Shanghai University, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Xi’an Technology University, Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications, and OPSS China. Chinese Laser Press managed the event and was supported by technical experts from China and the region.

The icOPEN 2018 was quite successful and hosted a total of 224 participants from more than six countries. The program included four plenary lectures, nine keynote lectures, 55 invited lectures, 62 oral lectures, and 123 poster presentations. The invited lectures and oral lectures were divided into parallel sessions, in categories such as Optical Metrology, Laser Technology, Image Processing, and others. In addition, the ORBBEC 3D Sensor Application Design Competition was organized, which continued to provide a platform for the contributing students to showcase their talent in icOPEN 2018. There were 11 groups who participated the competition and all were recognized and received cash awards. Overall, the conference was a great success.

icOPEN 2017

The Optics and Photonics Society of Singapore (OPSS) hosted its Fifth Edition of the International Conference on Optical and Photonic Engineering - icOPEN2017 in Singapore during April 05-07, 2017. The conference was co-located with the MTA2017 exhibition. icOPEN2017 built on its past achievements to further promote greater interaction between academia and industries and to provide a forum for discussing cutting edge technologies both in the research front and those closer to industry.

For more information about icOPEN 2017, please visit icOPEN 2017 for more information

icOPEN 2016

Organised and hosted by OPSS, co-organized by Sichuan Institute of Electronics,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Nanjing University of Science & Technology, China and Southwest Jiaotong University of China. icOPEN was first time held in China at Chengdu during September 26-30, 2016. icOPEN2016 provided a timely platform to conduct a recap of the latest technologies and industry milestones, and promote optical and photonic engineering to a wider audience.

icOPEN 2015

Optical and Photonic Engineering are becoming more mainstream, having made significant advances in the sectors of semiconductor, consumer optics, aerospace, oil and gas, precision engineering. 2015 was designated as the International Year of Light, hence there is a growing push to adopt optical and photonic engineering technologies over a wider spectrum. icOPEN2015 provided a timely platform to conduct a recap of the latest technologies and industry milestones, and promoted optical and photonic engineering to a wider audience.

For more information about icOPEN 2015, please visit icOPEN 2015 for more information

icOPEN 2013

The second conference of the Optics and Photonics Society of Singapore - the international conference on Optics in Precision Engineering and Nanotechnolgy (icOPEN2013) was successfully held 9–11 April 2013 at Singapore Expo. The conference was collocated with MTA2013 Exhibition, a leading exhibition in Precision Engineering in the region with over 500 exhibitors from 31 countries and regions. This event featured technologies related to metrology, machine tools and tooling systems. It focused on high–value manufacturing capabilities in aerospace, oil and gas, medical technology and complex equipment. The conference was attended by 182 delegates from 16 countries including students, academicians and company researchers

icOPEN 2011

The Optics and Photonics Society of Singapore organized its inaugural conference in the area of Optics in Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology from 23 - 25 March 2011, collocated with the MTA2011 exhibition. Optics is the new driving force in the precision engineering and nanotechnology community. This conference was thus timely to bring together leading researchers both from industry and academia to discuss leading edgetechnologies and developments.

For more information about icOPEN 2011, please visit icOPEN 2011 for more information